Our mission is to Reach, Teach, and Serve Federal Employees,
the dedicated men and women who have chosen
to serve the public trust.
For more than 30 years, we have worked to:
Reach out to Feds
Teach and help Feds to better understand their benefits
Serve and assist Feds to make more informed decisions within their financial lives.
It shouldn’t be hard to find the education and information,
you need to make good decisions within your Federal benefits.
Do you like blogs? Podcasts? Videos? How about the latest article from Ed Zurndorfer*?
We have them and we make them easy to find.
Featuring Ed Zurndorfer* perhaps the nation’s foremost expert on Federal Benefits.
Weekly Newsletter with Ed Z*,
Benefits Ben, and Jennifer Meyer
Subscribe To Our Newsletter

Want to go deeper? How do you like to learn? Classroom? Web based? One on one? It’s our mission.
With content featuring Ed Zurndorfer, you will find programs that fit your needs:
Comprehensive one day and two day live seminars covering all facets of Federal Benefits and Retirement:
Targeted seminars and webinars for specific topics such as FERS, CSRS, Medicare, Social Security, LTC, TSP, FEHB, etc.
Offered without cost or obligation. Take your time and have all your benefits questions addressed.
Includes a comprehensive personal benefits estimate which is yours to keep.
Wouldn’t you like to have a comfortable and frank conversation about personal financial and retirement issues and strategies? You will, working with financial planners who have been specifically trained and credentialed to guide and serve you.
We all know that it is critical that YOUR financial decisions be made with YOUR personal financial situation and YOUR unique benefits in mind.
For over 30 years, we’ve heard the questions and we can help you find YOUR answers.
Should I be using Roth TSP?
What mix of the TSP funds is right for me?
How should I handle Medicare B with my FEHB?
When should I take Social Security?
What should I do about long-term care?
What happens to my benefits if I pass away?
How should I draw income from my TSP when I retire?
How should my Federal benefits be coordinated with private sector employer benefits?
And many, many more.
*Raymond James is not affiliated with Ed Zurndorfer. Any opinions are those of Ed Zurndorfer and not necessarily those of Raymond James.