Now is the time for federal employees to make some year-end tax moves to reduce their 2022 federal and state income liabilities.
FEDLIFE Podcast, ep. 86: Seven Tax Planning Suggestions For 2022 Year-End
Now is the time for federal employees to make some year-end tax moves to reduce their 2022 federal and state income liabilities. And because filing for taxes for 2022 will be much different than last year, this week’s episode of the FEDLIFE Podcast is all about unpacking must-know tips and tricks to file your taxes most beneficially. Listen in as Dan Sipe and Ed Zurndorfer share seven tax planning suggestions that federal employees can use to reduce the amount of taxes they owe for their 2022 federal and state income tax returns.
Dan and Ed discuss:
- How to use capital losses to offset capital gains and ordinary income
- The value of meeting your tax advisor to review your filing status before December 2022
- How to decide whether to make charitable contributions in 2022 or 2023
- How to determine the gain or loss on the sale of a principal residence
- And more!
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