Beware of the IRS’ Wash Sale Rules When Selling Investments
Edward Zurndorfer explains the how “wash sale” rule works
Edward Zurndorfer explains the how “wash sale” rule works
with a little less than a month to go, individuals still have time to make some tax moves in order to save on their 2020 federal taxes. In this column…
FSA funds for adult and child daycare- Ed explains the rules
Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts Help Pay Out-of-Pocket Medical, Dental and Vision Expenses in a Tax-Preferential Way
Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimbursement Accounts Are a Tax-Efficient Way for Paying Medical Expenses
Ed Zurndorfer explains the Dental and Vision Insurance Plan Choices to Federal Employees
Ed Zurndorfer Provides Some Guidance and Suggestions for Choosing the Right FEHB Health Insurance Plan for 2021
Federal Employee and Annuitant Health Insurance Plan Choices for the 2021 Plan Year
Ed Zurndorfer discuses the 2021 COLA of 1.3 percent and what it means to Federal Employees and Retirees
Employees Are Encouraged to Fully Understand the Rules for Continuing FEHB Program Benefits Following Their Retirement from Federal Service