See what message from the STWS inbox had both Ed and Dan flabbergasted. This episode is all about the importance of beneficiaries – including contingent vs. successor.
FedLife Podcast (ep. 105): Why You Should Fill Out Your Beneficiary Forms!
Setting up beneficiaries for your financial accounts? This can include bank, investment, and TSP accounts – as well as for life insurance, annuities, and unpaid compensation in the event of death while still in service. Ed and Dan go over the importance of having a named beneficiary. Make sure your assets go to the loved ones you intend.
Featured in this episode:
- Types of accounts where you can name a beneficiary
- Don’t forget to change beneficiaries when you have to!
- What happens if you don’t name a beneficiary?
- Probate, order of precedence, estate taxes
- Primary vs. secondary and contingent beneficiaries
- What is a successor beneficiary?
- Learn about a “Death IRA”
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