Dan Sipe and Ed Zurndorfer finish the year highlighting some important topics surrounding Dependent Care FSAs, different types of taxable and non-taxable conversions, and more information to help you end your year financially stable.
FEDLIFE PODCAST: Ep. 65: Understanding How the Dependent Care FSA Can Work for You and More…
Understanding what is available to you as a federal employee for different benefits and tax breaks can be overwhelming, and finding the information you need can be time-consuming.
That’s why Serving Those Who Serve is all about making this information easy to understand and readily available to all of our listeners — and this year-end episode is no different!
Dan and Ed discuss:
- The two different types of Dependent Care FSAs
- Who qualifies for dependent care and what are qualifying expenses
- The 2021 bump to the Dependent Care Tax Credit and other recent congress changes
- Why December is a good time to do a Roth Conversion
- What types of conversions are taxable, and which ones aren’t
- Reasons to not push yourself into a high overall marginal tax bracket
- No more Roth Conversion do-overs and what that means for your accounts
- Required minimum distributions before starting Medicare
- And more!
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“Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Lee, Sipe & Associates, Inc. is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James. Content represents the opinions of the speaker and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Important Disclosure Information: http://raymondjames.com/smicd.htm.