2019's Best Federal Agencies to Work For: NASA, ITC, and FERC Take Top Spots
The Federal Government edition of the “Best Places to Work” rankings for 2019 have been published. The set of statistics breaks down the governmental organizations by size: large, medium, and small agencies. The larger agencies have 15,000 or more employees while the smaller category contains those with more than 100 but less than 1,000. The medium-sized organizations, obviously, are those in between the 1,001 and 14,999 figures.
For the larger group, the best place to work was NASA with 81.5% of responding workers giving positive marks about their workplace. Second on the list, after a 10% drop from the Space agency’s stellar grade, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can be found at 71.4%. Of the 17 “large” organizations that participated in the survey, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Homeland Security rounded out the bottom. A noticeable 2.5% drop at the USDA from last year’s results, which was the biggest dip among the group, might be the result of a 2019 decision to move several USDA subagencies from the DC area to Missouri. The biggest change overall was the Intelligence Community’s reported job satisfaction, which shot up 3.6%.
For the middleweights, the top spot was taken by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which had 82.8% of respondents answer positively. The Federal Trade Commission and the Government Accountability Office provided close competition, though, as those agencies had 82.4% and 81.8%, respectively. The middle class of agencies included 25 organizations with the Education Department (43.7%) and National Labor Relations Board (NLRB, 48.1%) taking the last spots. The NLRB experienced a drastic 7.2% swing for the worse since 2018, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau shot up 6.7% from 51.7% to 58.4% for the biggest positive change
The top score came from the US International Trade Commission, which made the number 1 spot on the list of small agencies with 85.8% of responding employees giving positive reviews. The Corporation for the National and Community Service, on the other hand, fell a staggering 27 percentage points from 66.3% in 2018 to 39.3% last year, and that made it last on the list of the 28 small agencies. The Selective Service System, which is responsible for any military draft effort, spiked 17.1% to 61.3% in 2019; the biggest such change for the tinier agencies.
Until Next Time,

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