- Happy one year anniversary for the Fed15! We’re thanking feds and reviewing the Thrift Savings Plan’s recent slump.
The Fed15 Podcast (Ep. 48): What's Going on with the TSP?
Celebrating the podcast’s first anniversary, which coincides with Public Service Recognition Week! Thanking federal employees for their public service, from FDA scientists to NASA astronauts.
Katelyn goes over the TSP’s Performance in April. Four out of five TSP funds experienced a negative month, with the S Fund losing over 6%.
The Fed15 podcast is presented by Serving Those Who Serve, a financial planning practice serving federal government employees and retirees all over the country.
This podcast is presented for information and entertainment only and is not intended to be taken as financial advice. All listeners should consult their personal advisors before taking any action. The opinions expressed therein are not the opinions of Raymond James or Serving Those Who Serve.

Podcast: What's Going On With The TSP?