New Environmental Justice Offices at the EPA and DOJ
Both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) are in the process of creating offices designed to tackle environmental justice issues.
Both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) are in the process of creating offices designed to tackle environmental justice issues.
Part 2 in a 3-part series on federal employees who occupy “rigorous” positions and are subject to “special provisions.” The second job we’ll look at: Federal Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs).
Recent word from White House sheds some light on upcoming health insurance options only accessible by USPS workers.
The latest figures on inflation and cost-of-living adjusts suggest a substantial annual increase to TSP contribution limits.
Social Security news: 2023 COLA looking like 8.7% + legislation to eliminate the WEP and GPO makes it out of House committee.
A congressional committee has okayed a bill to move to a vote on the House floor. The bill would require agencies to develop a safety plan.
More headaches for the FRTIB (Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board)? TSP’s governing body has received a bunch of scrutiny this year.
Part 1 in a 3-part series on federal employees who occupy “rigorous” positions and are subject to “special provisions.” The first job we’ll focus on: Federal Firefighters.
How Army’s “digital transformation” is going after 2020 blueprint was initialized.
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB), the governing body of the TSP (Thrift Saving Plan), received an apology from new recordkeeping company.