After a Spouse Dies, the Surviving Spouse’s Finances Can Suffer
The economic impact that a spouse's death can incur. Ed fills you in on what to watch out for.
The FEDZONE contains all articles written by Ed Zurndorfer:
A former career Federal employee, Ed has published a staggering 1,200+ separate articles on Federal Benefits and Retirement!
Just “Google” his name, and you are likely to find a plethora of sites that contain his writings. Drawn to its mission to reach, teach
and serve Feds, Serving Those Who Serve is the only financial planning practice with which Ed has chosen to affiliate in over
20 years teaching. In addition to conducting Federal Benefits seminars for Serving Those Who Serve, you can find Ed’s
writings here on our blog in the FedZone, and on Fed-Soup, MyFederalRetirement, FederalNews Radio and NITP. He is a
member of the Maryland Society of Accountants, the National Association of Enrolled Agents, the International Society of
Certified Employee Benefits Specialists, the Financial Planning Association, the National Association of Health Underwriters,
and the Society of Financial Service Professionals. Since 1999, Ed has taught many thousands of Federal employees about
their benefits, in person and at Federal agencies all over the country. Ed is a true national treasure.
The economic impact that a spouse's death can incur. Ed fills you in on what to watch out for.
In this episode, Dan Sipe and Ed Zurndorfer unpack each benefit while detailing everything you need to know about how the OPM calculates your annuity supplement.
Breaking down the rules to keep FEHB for those receiving a survivor annuity
Federal employees who are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) have several retirement options available to them.
Rules for Continuing FEHB Program Health Benefits After Retiring from Federal Service - Part II
Rules for Continuing FEHB (Federal Employee Health Benefits) After Retiring from Federal Service - Part I
Employees Should Understand Limits on TSP Contributions and Not Lose Agency Matching
The latest FEDZONE article: "Beware of the Hazards and Pitfalls of Taking a Social Security Lump-Sum Payout"
Federal Employees and Future Long-Term Care – Part III: Should Federal Employees Self-Insure for Future Long-Term Care?
The question is how employees are preparing to pay for their future LTC needs. In the second of three FEDZONE columns discussing federal employees and how will they address their…