Ed Zurndorfer helps Federal Employees understand their Healthcare Options during FEHB Open Season
FedLife Podcast (ep. 13): It’s Open Season for Your Healthcare, part 1
As federal employees, it’s critical that you understand your benefits. Some of those benefits are your health and dental care — but open season is coming. In part one of this mini-series, Dan Sipe speaks with Ed Zurndorfer, our resident expert in federal employees and their benefits. This is a must-listen episode for any fed who wants a clear understanding of the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) Program and the tax considerations that come with it. In this episode, you will learn: – The history of FEHP – Which types of plans are included in FEHP, including individual and family plans – Why Ed is concerned about consumer-driven health plans – How and why you may want to opt-out of the employee premium – And more!
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