Ed Zurndorfer helps Federal Employees understand and access the Federal Healthcare Options
FedLife Podcast (ep. 14): Discussing FEHB Options with Ed Zurndorfer
As federal employees, you have a number of benefits available to you. But how can you access these benefits if you don’t understand them?
In part two of this mini-series, Ed Zurndorfer, our resident expert in federal employees and their benefits, returns to discuss the Federal Employee Dental and Vision Program (FEDVIP), your choices for plans, and how to access the coverage.
In this episode, you will learn:
-The history of FEDVIP
-How the FEDVIP can accompany your FEHP coverage — and how it differs
-Which tax implications to consider -How the FEDVIP works with a high-deductible health plan
-Why you shouldn’t let premium costs be the biggest determining factor when choosing a benefit plan
-And more!
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