What is a NAF federal employee? What is the difference from a regular federal employee? Learn about the benefits, retirement options, and more!
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FedLife Podcast (ep. #114): Non-Appropriated Fund Employees and Their Benefits
Similar but not identical benefits – that is what is important to remember about NAF employees. Their paycheck does not come from Congress. What is the pay scale for NAF workers? MWR supports active duty personnel and their families on military bases.
Featured in this episode: What is a Non-Appropriated Fund Federal Employee? -
- Defining non-appropriated funds and what workers are paid from these funds.
- Sick and annual leave works differently, instructed by the DoD.
- What insurance benefits are available to NAF employees – health and life insurance.
- NAF employees cannot participate in FEHB – only carrier they can choose is Aetna.
- They can be eligible for FLTCIP (of course applications are still suspended)
- NAF feds can’t participate in FERS, CSRS, or the TSP – so what options do they have?
- NAF retirees can collect a guaranteed pension with cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs)
- There is a NAF 401(k) similar to the TSP
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