Why CSRS Offset Annuitants Are Not Subject to the GPO (Pension Offset)
The Government Pension Offset (GPO) is a Social Security Administration (SSA) law that affects spouses, former spouses, widows or widowers. But not CSRS Annuitants.
The Government Pension Offset (GPO) is a Social Security Administration (SSA) law that affects spouses, former spouses, widows or widowers. But not CSRS Annuitants.
When to Claim a Widow/Widower Social Security Survivor Benefit Can Be a Challenge - This week’s column presents widow/widower choices with respect to the Social Security widow/widow benefit.
The economic impact that a spouse's death can incur. Ed fills you in on what to watch out for.
Breaking down the rules to keep FEHB for those receiving a survivor annuity
Rules for Continuing FEHB Program Health Benefits After Retiring from Federal Service - Part II
Rules for Continuing FEHB (Federal Employee Health Benefits) After Retiring from Federal Service - Part I
Employees Should Understand Limits on TSP Contributions and Not Lose Agency Matching
The latest FEDZONE article: "Beware of the Hazards and Pitfalls of Taking a Social Security Lump-Sum Payout"
Federal Employees and Future Long-Term Care – Part III: Should Federal Employees Self-Insure for Future Long-Term Care?
The question is how employees are preparing to pay for their future LTC needs. In the second of three FEDZONE columns discussing federal employees and how will they address their…