2023 FEHB and FEDVIP Premiums Will Increase – but a 3% Drop for Medicare B
A hefty rise in FEHB (Federal Employee Health Benefits) premiums was announced earlier this month, but Medicare B premiums will see a slight decrease.
This category contains articles written about Federal Employee Retirement Benefits: FEHB, FEGLI, TSP, FLTCIP, Leave, Pay Raises, FERS/CSRS, and more-
A hefty rise in FEHB (Federal Employee Health Benefits) premiums was announced earlier this month, but Medicare B premiums will see a slight decrease.
More losses for core funds TSP – except G of course. Check out Jen’s update for last month’s TSP performance.
Part 2 in a 3-part series on federal employees who occupy “rigorous” positions and are subject to “special provisions.” The second job we’ll look at: Federal Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs).
The latest figures on inflation and cost-of-living adjusts suggest a substantial annual increase to TSP contribution limits.
Social Security news: 2023 COLA looking like 8.7% + legislation to eliminate the WEP and GPO makes it out of House committee.
You worked hard as a public servant to earn your retirement – so make sure you avoid these crucial mishaps!
More headaches for the FRTIB (Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board)? TSP’s governing body has received a bunch of scrutiny this year.
Part 1 in a 3-part series on federal employees who occupy “rigorous” positions and are subject to “special provisions.” The first job we’ll focus on: Federal Firefighters.
What makes a good strategy for developing a federal employee’s retirement plan?
After positive July, August returns dip back into negative territory for all core funds except G.