Five Important Facts to Remember About FEGLI
The Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program – here’s a list of fast facts that you should keep in mind.
This category contains articles written about Federal Employee Retirement Benefits: FEHB, FEGLI, TSP, FLTCIP, Leave, Pay Raises, FERS/CSRS, and more-
The Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program – here’s a list of fast facts that you should keep in mind.
A recent study revealed that paper statements help Americans better estimate their social security benefits.
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) voiced support for RAISE Act, urging member to contact congress. Also, pay cuts hit 2/3 of rural letter carriers.
Once a federal employee reaches their MRA with 10 years of service under their belt, they’re eligible to retire and start collecting their pension.
We break down another lesson he learned from football that is applicable to federal retirement planning.
The Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program – here’s a list of fast facts that you should keep in mind.
Long-term care insurance can be expensive, but it can also provide a more comfortable retirement for those who end up needing it.
The Thrift Savings Plan – here’s a list of fast facts that you should keep in mind.
Understanding both early retirement authorities and separation incentives for federal employees.
TSP Update for Month Ending April 2023 – all core funds see a little growth in April, except the S fund.